Does eating at night help me gain weight?
Weight gain is the result of eating more calories than you burn on a regular basis not when you eat. If a person gains weight doing this it is because of excess calories intake not timing
How quickly will I see results of my training?
Expect to feel the results of your training sooner than you see them. People who start a new training program and are consistent getting their workouts done typically report improvement in sleep, mood and energy levels within two or three weeks. Changes in body composition often takes longer to notice; the more consistent you are with your workouts and the closer you adhere to your nutrition plan the sooner the results will become noticeable.
What should I eat before workout ?
Before you workout you should have some form of fuel in your system. Eating a small amount of a easily digested carbohydrate an hour or so before you hit the gym ensures that you’ll have enough energy to get through your workout. Try fruit or yogurt or toast and peanut butter; not too much or you’ll feel sluggish.
What should I eat after workout?
Eating after a workout is important. You need to replenish your glycogen stores and feed the muscles you’ve just trained. Eat a small snack or drink a protein shake consisting of protein and easily digested carbohydrates within 30 mins of training.
What are the best exercises for belly weight loss?
You can’t spot reduce. No exercise will target fat cells in just one part of the body. You need to target your whole body with exercise and proper nutrition.